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English-Hindi > oxide nuclear fuel

oxide nuclear fuel meaning in Hindi

oxide nuclear fuel sentence in Hindi

ऑक्साइड न्यूक्लीय ईंधन
oxide    ऑक्साइड जारेय
nuclear    केंद्रक केंद्रकीय
nuclear fuel    नाभिकीय ईधन
fuel    जलाने वाली वस्तु
1.Purpose built to carry Plutonium, highly enriched Uranium and mixed-oxide nuclear fuel.

2.In this process, used oxide nuclear fuel is treated with fluorine gas to form a mixture of fluorides.

How to say oxide nuclear fuel in Hindi and what is the meaning of oxide nuclear fuel in Hindi? oxide nuclear fuel Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.